Trigger Point Injections
What are Trigger Point Injections?
This outpatient procedure is designed to reduce or relieve the pain of trigger points. These small, tender knots can form in muscles or in the fascia (the soft, stretchy connective tissue that surrounds muscles and organs). The trigger point injection procedure takes only a few minutes to complete.
In preparation for the procedure, the patient is positioned comfortably. The Pain MD Houston physician presses and pinches the skin to locate the trigger point. Once it has been identified, the physician cleanses the overlying skin. A topical anesthetic maybe used to temporarily numb the skin.
The physician carefully inserts a needle through the skin and into the trigger point. The physician injects an anesthetic mixed mixture into the trigger point. This causes the trigger point to relax. If the trigger point does not relax completely after the first injection, the physician at Superior Pain Relief may adjust the needle’s position and give additional injections.
When the injection is complete, the physician removes the needle. A small bandage may be placed over the injection site. The patient may be encouraged to stretch and move the muscle after it the injection.
You Have Options
We have seen that a number of clinics focus on one or two modalities for treatment. The problem is that pain is neurological and that means “it’s complex”. There are a wide variety of therapies, products, at-home activities, procedures and medicines that can be used and we believe there’s a place for all. Determining which (or combination thereof) is right for you is a process for you and your Pain MD to work together on.
Those could be laser ablation, spinal cord stimulation, Ketamine infusions, Platelet Rich Plasma, Steroid injections, Stem cell therapy, Botox, trigger point injections and much more!
Laser Ablation
Spinal Cord Stimulation
Peripheral Nerve Stimulation
Sacral Nerve Stimulation
Peripheral Field Stimulation
Superion/Vertiflex Interspinous Spacer
Ketamine for Pain & Depression
Facet Joint Injection
Pulsed Radio Frequency Ablation
Platelet Rich Plasma Injections
Stem Cell BMAC
Ultrasound Guided Joint, Ligament or Tendon Injection
Sacroiliac Joint Injection
Amniotic Stem Cell and Wharton’s Jelly
Epidural Steroid Injection
Diagnostic Facet Block/Medial Branch Block
Diagnostic Selective Nerve Root Block
Knee, Hip & Shoulder Ablations
Botox for Migraines and Dystonia
Trigger Point Injections
Discogram Diagnostics
Kyphoplasty Surgical Procedure
Spinal Disc Decompression
And Much, Much More!